Latest Comp Results
Iron Pig BBQ
Contests for 2015.
Schedule is tentitive, and may change.
2015 Schedule
Ranking by BBQBug
Kings Mountain, NC - Firehouse Cook-off - April
Lexington, NC - BBQ Capital Cook Off - April
North Augusta, SC - Papa Joe's Banjo-B-que - May
Tryon, NC - Blueridge BBQ Cook-off - June
Gaffney, SC - Carolina Foothills BBQ Cook-off - July
Salisbury, NC - Biker, Blues & BBQ - September
Rocky Mount, NC - Eastern Carolina BBQ Throw Down
Maybe some of these?
Edenton, NC - Hog Fest - April
Charleston, SC - Public's Prestigious Palmetto Pig Pick'n - May
Chesapeake, VA - Chesapeake Jubilee - May
Beach, Boogie and BBQ – Myrtle Beach, SC – September
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2015 Competition Schedule will be posted soon!